Ai Overclock Tuner [Auto]

Selects the CPU overclocking options to achieve desired CPU internal frequency. Configuration options: [Manual] [Auto] [Overclock Profile] [Test Mode] [CPU Level Up]

The following items only appear when you set Ai Overclock Tuner to [Manual].

OC From CPU Level Up [200]

Selects the desired CPU level, and other relevant parameters will be adjusted automatically based on the selected CPU level. Configuration options: [Auto] [Phenom II-955] [Phenom II-3.4G] [Phenom II-3.6G]

CPU Bus Frequency [200]

Sets the CPU frequency. Configuration options: [Min.=200] [Max.=550]

PCIE Frequency

Sets the PCIe frequency. Configuration options: [Min.=100] [Max.=150]

The following item only appears when you set Ai Overclock Tuner to [Overclock Profile].

Overclock Options [Auto]

Selects the overclocking profile. Configuration options: [Auto] [Overclock 2%] [Overclock 5%] [Overclock 8%] [Overclock 10%]

CPU Ratio [Auto]

Sets the ratio between the CPU Core Clock and the CPU Bus Frequency. Use the <+> / <-> keys to adjust the ratio. The valid value ranges vary depending on your CPU model.

CPU/NB Frequency [Auto]

Sets the ratio between NorthBridge (in CPU) Clock and the CPU Bus Frequency. Configuration options: [Auto] [800MHz] [1000MHz] [1200MHz] [1400MHz] [1600MHz] [1800MHz] [2000MHz]

CPU Over Voltage [Auto]

Sets the CPU over voltage. The valid value ranges vary depending on your CPU model. Use <+> / <-> keys to adjust the ratio. Configuration options: [Auto]

VDDNB Over Voltage [Auto]

Sets the VDDNB over voltage. The valid value ranges vary depending on your CPU model. Use <+> / <-> keys to adjust the ratio. Configuration options: [Auto]

LoadLine Calibration [Auto]

Sets LoadLine. The values range from 0% to 100% with a 3.225% increment. Use the <+> / <-> keys to adjust the value. Configuration options: [Auto] [Max. = 100%] [Min. = 0%]

HT Link Speed [Auto]

Sets the HyperTransport link speed. Configuration options: [Auto] [200MHz] [400MHz] [600MHz] [800MHZ] [1000MHz] [1200MHz] [1400MHz] [1600MHz] [1800MHz] [2000MHz]

HT Link Width [Auto]

Sets the HyperTransport link width. Configuration options: [Auto] [4 Bit] [8 Bit] [16 Bit]


Chapter 2: BIOS information