NorthBridge Configuration
Memory Configuration
Bank Interleaving [Auto]
Allows you to enable the bank memory interleaving. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Auto]
Channel Interleaving [Disabled]
Allows you to enable the channel memory interleaving. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Address bits 6] [Address bits 12] [XOR of Address bits [20:16, 6]] [XOR of Address bits [20:16, 9]]
Enable Clock to All DIMMs [Disabled]
Enables unused Clocks to DIMMs even though memory slots are not populated. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
MemClk Tristate C3/ATLVID [Disabled]
Allows you to enable or disable MemClk
Memory Hole Remapping [Enabled]
Allows you to enable or disable memory remapping around memory hole. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
DCT Unganged Mode [Auto]
Allows you to select unganged DRAM mode
Configuration options: [Auto] [Always]
Power Down Enable [Enabled]
Allows you to enable or disable DDR power down mode.
Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
ECC Configuration
ECC Mode [Disabled]
Allows you to set the ECC mode. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Basic] [Good] [Super] [Max] [User]
Internal Graphics
Primary Video Controller [GFX0-GPP-IGFX-PCI]
Configuration options:
GFX0:VGA port on a graphics card inserted into a PCIe x16 slot
GPP: VGA port on a graphics card inserted into a PCIe x1 slot
IGFX: Onboard VGA port
PCI: VGA port on a graphics card inserted into a PCI slot
UMA Frame Buffer Size [Auto]
Configuration options: [Auto] [32MB] [64MB] [128MB] [256MB]
Chapter 2: BIOS information |