Sets the VDDNB over voltage. The valid value ranges vary depending on your CPU model. Use <+> /
Sets the LoadLine. Configuration options: [Auto] [Max.=�100%] [Min.=�0%]
If the system becomes unstable after changing the setting, set it back to [Auto] for safe mode.
Memory Clock Mode [Auto]Sets the memory clock mode. Configuration options: [Auto] [Manual]
The following item only appears when you set Memory Clock Mode to [Manual].
Memclock Value [400MHz]
Selects the DRAM frequency programming method.
Configuration options: [400MHz] [533MHz] [667MHz] [800MHz]
DRAM Timing Mode [Auto]Sets the DRAM timing mode. Configuration options: [Auto] [DCT 0] [DCT 1] [Both]
Memory Over Voltage [Auto]Sets the memory over voltage. The values range from 1.5000V to 2.4450V with a 0.0150V increment. Use the <+> /
Sets the chipset over voltage. The values range from 1.20000V to 1.60000V with a 0.01000V increment. Use the <+> /
[Max. =� 1.60000V] [Min. =� 1.20000V]