4.8Perfect Voice

Sonic Radar comes with the Perfect voice, a single microphone noise reduction solution initially designed for Voice-Over-IP (VOIP) software. With Perfect voice, you can deliver perfectly enunciated voice call-outs.

Perfect voice works via two major features: Noise Gate and Noise Reduction.

Noise Gate

Noise gate cuts the ambient noise in pauses or periods of silence in-between words or sentences.

Noise Reduction

Analyzes, estimates then minimizes the amount of ambient noise within words and sentences.

You can configure the Noise Gate and Noise Reduction settings via the Realtek HD Audio Manager.

To launch the Realtek HD Audio Manager, go to the Desktop then from the taskbar

double-click .

Before configuring any of the settings, ensure that you have a headset connected to the audio ports.

Realtek HD Audio Manager main menu

From the Realtek HD Audio Manager main menu, select Microphone then Microphone Effects. Refer to the screen below for a sample setting:

Noise Gate

Tick to enable/disable feature. Move the slider to adjust the desired effectivity level.

Noise Reduction

Tick to enable/disable feature. Move the slider to adjust the desired noise reduction level.

Chapter 4

