Q2. Why is it that it takes a while to enter the Movies, Music, or Photo screen from the Home screen?

When you connect a new USB storage device, hard disk drive, or memory card, your HD media player automatically scans and indexes the files stored on these devices based on the files’ date stamps. This prevents you from quickly entering the Movies, Music, or Photo screen from the Home screen.

To disable the indexing function and quickly enter the Movies, Music, or

Photo screen, press the Stop key and navigate to File Manager to browse all the media files in your devices.

To disable the auto-scan function, go to Setup > System > Scan Storage > Auto Scan Off.

Q3. The file’s copy time is not correct.

When you use your media player’s copy file function, it may not record and may not display the correct time that the file is copied to your media player.

Additional information

Where can I find more information about the HD media player?

User Manual in the support CD

For more details about using the features of your HD media player, refer to its user manual included in the support CD.

ASUS Support site

Download the latest firmwares, drivers, and utilities from the ASUS Support site at http://support.asus.com

ASUS O!PLAY MINI media player
