Keyboard Auto-Repeat Rate [6/Sec]

This controls the speed at which the system registers repeated keystrokes. Options range from 6 to 30 characters per second. Configuration options: [6/Sec] [8/Sec] [10/Sec] [12/Sec] [15/Sec] [20/Sec] [24/Sec] [30/Sec]

Keyboard Auto-Repeat Delay [1/4 Sec]

This field sets the time interval for displaying the first and second characters. Configuration options: [1/4 Sec] [1/2 Sec] [3/4 Sec] [1 Sec]

2.4Advanced Menu

CPU Speed

This displays the current speed of the CPU installed.

CPU Frequency Multiple

This field displays frequency multiple value between the CPU’s internal frequency (CPU speed) and external frequency.

CPU External Frequency (MHz)

This feature tells the clock generator what frequency to send to the system bus and PCI bus. The bus frequency (external frequency) multiplied by the bus multiple equals the CPU speed.

Memory Frequency [Auto]

This field determines whether the memory clock frequency is set to be in synchronous or asynchronous mode with respect to the system frequency. The options that appear in the popup menu vary according to the CPU Frequency (MHz).

CPUID Maximum Value Limit [Disabled]

Some older operating system (OS), like Windows® NT4.0, do not support CPUID value that exceeds 3. A CPUID value that exceeds 3 may cause an OS installation failure. Enable this item to limit the CPU return value to less 3 to avoid conflicts and installation failure. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

ASUS P4BP-MX motherboard
