Boot Up NumLock Status [On]

This field enables users to activate the Number Lock function upon system boot. Configuration options: [Off] [On]

Keyboard Auto-Repeat Rate [12/Sec]

This controls the speed at which the system registers repeated keystrokes. Options range from 6 to 30 characters per second. Configuration options: [6/Sec] [8/Sec] [10/Sec] [12/Sec] [15/Sec] [20/Sec] [24/Sec] [30/Sec]

Keyboard Auto-Repeat Delay [1/4 Sec]

This field sets the time interval for displaying the first and second characters. Configuration options: [1/4 Sec] [1/2 Sec] [3/4 Sec] [1 Sec]

2.4Advanced Menu

CPU Speed [Manual]

This field allows you to select the internal frequency of the CPU. If you use an 800FSB CPU and 400MHz DDR, the system will automatically detect and set the parameters. If you use a 533FSB CPU and a 400MHz DDR, the system will only set a 333MHz DDR or lower DDR frequency. Select [Manual] if you wish to change the two subsequent fields.

Selecting a frequency higher than the CPU manufacturer recommends may cause the system to hang or crash!

CPU Frequency Multiple (when CPU Speed is set to [Manual])

This field sets the frequency multiple between the CPU’s internal frequency (CPU speed) and external frequency. Set this field in conjunction with CPU Frequency (MHz) to match the speed of the CPU.

The item CPU Frequency Multiple is accessible only if you have an unlocked processor. If your processor frequency multiple is locked, you cannot change the setting of this item.


Chapter 2: BIOS information