4.4.4DRAM Frequency [Auto]

Allows you to set the DDR3 operating frequency.

Configuration options: [Auto] [DDR3-800 MHz] [DDR3-835MHz] [DDR3-1002MHz] [DDR3-1066MHz] [DDR3-1111] [DDR3-1333]

The DRAM Frequency configuration options vary with the FSB Frequency settings.

Selecting a very high DRAM frequency may cause the system to become unstable! If this happens, revert to the default setting.

4.4.5DRAM Command Rate [Auto]

Configuration options: [Auto] [1T] [2T]

4.4.6DRAM Timing Control [Auto]

Configuration options: [Auto] [Manual]

The following sub-items apprear only when you set the DRAM Timing Control item to [Manual].

The configuration options for some of the following items vary depending on the DIMMs you install on the motherboard.

Pri. Information: 6-6-6-15-4-36-6-4

The values vary depending on your settings of the following sub-items:

CAS# Latency [ 5 DRAM Clocks]

Configuration options: [ 5 DRAM Clocks] [ 6 DRAM Clocks] [ 7 DRAM Clocks] [ 8 DRAM Clocks] [ 9 DRAM Clocks] [ 10 DRAM Clocks]

RAS# to CAS# Delay [ 5 DRAM Clocks]

Configuration options: [ 3 DRAM Clocks] [ 4 DRAM Clocks]~[ 17 DRAM Clocks] [18 DRAM Clocks]

RAS# Precharge [ 5 DRAM Clocks]

Configuration options: [ 3 DRAM Clocks] [ 4 DRAM Clocks]~[ 17 DRAM Clocks] [18 DRAM Clocks]

RAS# Active Time [15 DRAM Clocks]

Configuration options: [ 3 DRAM Clocks] [ 4 DRAM Clocks]~[17 DRAM Clocks] [18 DRAM Clocks]

RAS# to RAS# Delay [Auto]

Configuration options: [Auto] [ 1 DRAM Clocks]~[15 DRAM Clocks]


Chapter 4: BIOS setup