Mi crosoft Di rectX 9.0c

Installs the Microsoft® DirectX 9.0c driver. The Microsoft DirectX® 9.0c is a multimedia technology that enhances computer graphics and sound. DirectX® improves the multimedia features of you computer so you can enjoy watching TV and movies, capturing videos, or playing games in your computer. Visit the Microsoft website (www.microsoft.com) for updates.

Anti-Vi rus Utili ty

The anti-virus application scans, identifies, and removes computer viruses. View the online help for detailed information.

3.2.4 Make Di sk menu

The Make Disk menu contains items to create the NVIDIA® nForce™ 4 SATA RAID driver disk.

NVI DI A 32bi t SATA RAI D Dri ver

Creates the NVIDIA® 32bit SATA RAID driver.

NVI DI A 64bi t SATA RAI D Dri ver

Creates the NVIDIA® 64bit SATA RAID driver.

