CPU Frequency [XXX] (value is auto-detected)

Indicates the frequency sent by the clock generator to the system bus and PCI bus. The bus frequency (external frequency) multiplied by the bus multiple equals the CPU speed. The value of this item is auto-detected by BIOS. The values range from 100 to 400. Use the <+> and <-> keys to adjust the value.

Selecting a very high CPU frequency may cause the system to become unstable! If this happens, revert to the default setting.

Memory Clock Mode [Auto]

Allows you to set the memory clock mode.

Configuration options: [Auto] [Sync to CPU] [Async Manual Mode]

Memory Frequency [300]

Allows you to set the memory frequency. This item appears only when the Memory Clock Mode item is set to [Async Manual Mode].

Configuration options: [100] ~ [300]

The following item appears only when the AI Overclocking item is set to [Overclock Profile].

Overclock Options [Overclock 5%]

Allows you to set the oveclocking options. Configuration options: [Overclock 5%] [Overclock 10%] [Overclock 15%] [Overclock 20%] [Overclock 30%] [FSB 900MHz] [FSB 950MHz] [FSB 1000MHz] [FSB 1066MHz]

The following item appears only when the AI Overclocking item is set to [AI N.O.S.].

N.O.S. Mode [Auto]

Sets the Non-Delay Overclocking System mode. Select either of the following configuration options:

Auto - loads the optimum sensitivity and overclocking percentage setting.

Standard - activates overclocking on a threshold between light and heavy CPU loading.

Sensitive - activates overclocking on a light CPU loading. Heavy Load - activates overclocking on a heavy CPU loading.

4 - 20

Chapter 4: BIOS setup