CPU Internal Thermal Control [Auto]

Allows you to disable or set to auto the CPU Internal Thermal Control function. When set to [Auto], the BIOS automatically checks the CPU’s capability to enable TM or TM2 support. In TM mode, the CPU power consumption is reduced. In TM2 mode, the CPU core ratio and VID are reduced. Configuration options: [Auto] [Disabled]

Scroll down the screen to display the following item.

The following item appears only when you installed an Intel® Pentium® 4 CPU that supports the Enhanced Intel SpeedStep® Technology (EIST).

Intel(R) SpeedStep Technology [Automatic]

Allows you to use the Enhanced Intel SpeedStep® Technology. When set to [Automatic], you can adjust the system power settings in the operating system to use the EIST feature.

Set this item to [Disabled] if you do not want to use the EIST.

Configuration options: [Automatic] [Disabled]

• Refer to the Appendix for details on how to use the EIST feature.

• The motherboard comes with a BIOS file that supports EIST.

ASUS P5W64 WS Professional

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