3.5.4System Agent Configuration

UEFI BIOS Utility - Advanced Mode


Ai Tweaker




Advanced\ System Agent Configuration >


System Agent Bridge Name






Memory Remap Feature


>Graphics Configuration

>NB PCIe Configuration


Enable or disable memory remap above 4G.

3 Chapter

Memory Remap Feature [Enabled]


Allow you to enable remapping the memory above 4GB.


Disables this function.

Graphics Configuration

Primary Display [Auto]

Allows you to decide which graphics controller to use as the primary boot device. Configuration options: [Auto] [iGFX] [PEG] [PCI]

iGPU Memory [64M]

Allows you to select the amount of system memory allocated to DVMT 5.0 used by the iGPU. Configuration options: [32M] [64M] [96M] [128M] ~ [448M] [480M] [512M] [1024M]

Render Standby [Enabled]

Allows you to enable the Intel Graphics Render Standby support to reduce the iGPU power use when idle. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

Initiate iGPU [Enabled]

Allows you to enable or disable the Lucid Virtu support for both the integrated and discrete graphics. The iGPU shared memory size will be fixed at 64MB. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

NB PCIe Configuration

Allows you to configure the NB PCI Express settings.

PCIEX16_1 Link Speed [Auto]

Allows you to configure the PCIE x16_1 speed. Configuration options: [Auto] [Gen1] [Gen2] [Gen3]


Chapter 3: BIOS setup