Memory Remap Feature [Enabl ed]

Allows you to enable or disable Memory Remap Feature. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

Confi gure DRAM Ti mi ng by SPD [Enabl ed]

Allows you to Configure DRAM Timing by SPD.

Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

I ni ti ate Graphi c Adapter [ PEG/I GD]

Allows you to select Initiate Graphic Adapter.

Configuration options: [IGD] [PCI/IGD] [PCI/PEG] [PEG/IGD] [PEG/PCI]

I ni ti ate Graphi cs Mode Sel ect [Enabl ed,8MB]

Allows you to select the amount of system memory used by the Internal graphics device.

Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled,1MB] [Enabled,8MB]

PEG Force x1 [ Di sabl ed]

Allows you to set PEG Force x1 configuration.

Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

Fi xed Graphi c Memory Si ze [ 128MB]

Allows you to select the size of graphic memory used by fixed mode. Configuration options: [0MB] [64MB] [128MB]

DVMT Graphi c Memory Si ze [ 128MB]

Allows you to select the size of graphic memory used by DVMT mode. Configuration options: [0MB] [64MB] [128MB] [224MB]

ASUS T3-P5G965
