Chapter 3 - Software Reference

Activate menu

Auto Roaming : Activating this option allows the ASUS network adapter to switch to another association you have specified when changes to an existing

association occurred. If no associations are made, Auto Roaming automatically connects to a wireless network based on your specified configurations.

Activate Configuration : Applies the configuration you selected from the list. Follow the screens instructions to activate a configuration.

NOTE: You need to restart the system to activate the configuration

settings under Windows® 98/ME operating system. You do not need to

restart the system to activate the configuration settings in Windows®

2000/XP operating system.

Edit menu

Edit Configuration : The Edit Configuration option allows you to edit selected configuration items. See the “Editing a Configuration” section on page 3-19 for details.

Rename : Changes the name of the selected configuration.

Duplicate : Duplicates the selected configuration.

Delete : Discards the selected configuration.

Up : Raises the position of a selected wireless network configuration in the preferred network list.

Down : Lowers the position of the selected wireless network configuration in the preferred network list.

Note: Edit menu commands appear when you right-click a

configuration in the Mobile Manager window.

View menu

Large Icons : Displays large icons for each configuration.

Small Icons : Displays small icons for each configuration.

List : Shows a list of available configurations.

Details : Displays the name, type, and description of a selected configuration.

Help menu

Help contents : Displays the Mobile Manager help window.

About Mobile Manager : Displays the Mobile Manager version number and copyright information. Click the ASUS logo to launch the ASUS website.

Chapter 3 Software Reference

ASUS Network adapter