Chapter 3 - Software Reference

General settings

Name: The configuration name indicates the location from where you are dialing or connecting to a network. For example, name your configuration “Work-Meeting Room” if you are using this connection at your workplace meeting room.

Description: Key in additional details of the configuration in this field. This field is


Network settings -Wireless tab

Priority of Preferred Network: This field allows you to select the priority of the

preferred network.

Network Type

Infrastructure: Select the Infrastructure mode to establish connection to an access point.

Ad-hoc: Select the Ad-hoc mode to communicate directly with other Wireless LAN devices without using an access point.

SSID: SSID stands for Service Set Identifier, a string used to identify a wireless LAN. You can only connect with an Access Point that has the same

SSID. Use different SSIDs to segment the wireless LAN and add security.

Channel: The Channel field allows you to select the radio channel for the network adapter. In an Infrastructure network, your network adapter automatically selects the correct frequency channel required to communicate with an Access Point.

WEP: This option allows you to disable or enable (64-bit or 128-bit) WEP encryption. The WEP Key is a 64-bit (5 byte) or 128-bit (13 byte) hexadecimal digit use to encrypt transmitted data packets and decrypt received data packets.

Network settings -Identification tab

Computer name: Assign a unique name of up to 15 characters for your computer. The computer name allows other users in a network to recognize your computer. The computer name is generally the same with the DNS hostname.

NOTE: Avoid using spaces or symbols in your computer name.

Chapter 3 Software Reference

ASUS Network adapter