Chapter 3 - Software Reference
Config - Encryption
This page enables you to configure the Wireless LAN Card encryption settings. For data confidentiality in a wireless environment, IEEE 802.11 specifies a Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) algorithm to offer transmission privacy. The WEP uses keys to encrypt and decrypt data packets. The encryption process can scramble frame bits to avoid disclosure to others. The WPA/WPA2 is improved security system for 802.11 which are developed to overcome the weakness of the WEP protocol.
Network Authentication
Since there is no precise bound in wireless LANs, the WLAN users need to implement certain mechanism to provide security soluction. The Authentication policies in this tab provide protection of different levels such as Open, WEP, WPA, and WPA2.
Open - Select this option to make the network operate on Open System mode, which use no authentication
algorithm. Open stations and APs can authenticate with each other without checking any WEP Key, even if there is.
Shared - Select this option to make the network operate on Shared key mode. In a Share Key Authentication system,
WPA/ WPA2 - The network is operating in IEEE 802.1x authentication mode. This mode is for environments with RADIUS (Remote Access
Chapter 3 Software Reference
ASUS WLAN Card | 21 |