WL-500gP Wireless Router User Manual

4).To s e t u p d o w n l o a d bandwidth policy for the all hosts in your LAN, leave the IP address and port fields blank, define the speeds (the speeds are higher than download policies). Click Add to add the rule.

4.Upload stream

If you want to set up upload traffic control policy, for example, to limit the upload bandwidth of port 2100 of between 10 to 80kbps, You need first set up NAT policy to allow incoming packets.

1).S e l e c t Ye s t o e n a b l e Virtual Server function. In the Vitual Server List field, fill the port, IP address into the fields and press Add.

2).Press Apply button.

3).Return to the Upload Policy List in Bandwidth Management setting page.

4).Set the Port as "2100", Max (kbps) as "80", Min.(kbps) as "10", then click Add.

5.When the settings are complete, press Finish.

6.Click Save & Restart to restart the wireless router and activate the settings.