Utilities .3

Chapter 3 - Software Configuration

IP Config


Click an item on the menu to reveal a submenu. Follow the instructions to set up the ASUS Wireless Router. Tips are displayed when you move your cursor over an item.

WAN Connection Type

The ASUS Wireless Router supports several connection types to WAN, including Static IP, PPPoE, PPTP, Automatic IP and BigPond(Telstra). The WAN setting fields in this page will differ depending on what kind of connection type you select.

WAN Mode

Selecting Disabled, WL530g is as an AP with 5 ports switch. Selecting Enabled, WL530g is a Wireless Router

with 4 ports switch. Selecting Auto, WL530g becomes a Wireless Router with 4 ports switch when Ethernet cable is attached to WAN port and becomes an AP with 4 ports switch when Ethernet cable is not attached to WAN port.

WAN IP Setting

These three items are editable only when WAN Connection Type is set as Static IP or PPTP.

IPAddress - This is IP address of the Wireless Router as seen on the remote network. If you leave it blank, the router will get IP address from DHCP Server automatically.

Subnet Mask - This is Subnet Mask of the Wireless Router as seen on the remote network.

Default Gateway - This is the IP address of default gateway that allows for contact between the Wireless Router and the remote network or host.

WAN DNS Settings

You can set the DNS setting with using any WAN Connection Type (Static IP, PPPoE, or Automatic IP).


ASUS Pocket Wireless Router