












No video

Make sure that all cables are securely plugged into


their sockets.



Poor video quality

The video quality can be improved by reducing the


refresh rate.



Trails and smearing on the

Unplug the Cat 5 cable from the remote unit, then


replug it.



Local Unit not working

The power from the local computer/computers in the


KVM installation may be insufficient. You may need to


purchase a power adapter for use with the CE252L.


Be sure to get one with the same specifications as the


one provided in this package for the CE252R



Remote Unit not working

Make sure that the power adapter that came with this


package is properly plugged into the remote unit’s


power jack.



Poor video quality with

Previous models of the CE252 should not be used with

replacement units.

newer models. Both the Local Unit and the Remote


Unit should be replaced at the same time to ensure


optimum video quality.