Controlling the computers in your CS-72A installation from a
single console could not be easier. Two port selection methods
that provide instant access to the computers are available:
MManual Port Selection
MHotkey Port Selection

Manual Port Selection

With Manual Port Selection you simply press the appropriate
Port Selection switch on the units front panel to give the KVM
focus to its corresponding port. The Port LED lights to indicate
that its port has the KVM focus.

Hotkey Port Selection

Hotkey selection allows you to toggle the KVM focus between
the computers from the keyboard, instead of having to manually
switch with the Port Selection buttons.
To hotkey toggle the ports:
1. Press and hold down the Num Lock key
2. Press and release the asterisk key or the minus key
3. Release the Num Lock key:
[Num Lock] + [*]
[Num Lock] + [-]
Note: The asterisk or minus key must be released within one
half second, otherwise the hotkey operation is canceled.
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