Auto Scan Mode:
The Auto Scan feature automatically switches between the
connected PCs at regular intervals so that you can monitor
their activity without having to take the trouble of switching
yourself. To invoke Auto Scan Mode, key in the following
Hot Key combination:
2-Port MiniViewTM:
Press and release the Left Shift key, then press and
release the Right Shift key (Left Shift + Right Shift).
Once scanning begins, it continues until you press the
[Spacebar] to exit Auto Scan Mode. The port that was
active at the time scanning stopped remains active.
4-Port MiniViewTM:
1Press and release Ctrl + Alt + Shift
2Press and release 0 (zero)
3Press [Enter]
Once scanning begins, it continues until you press the
[Spacebar] to exit Auto Scan Mode. The port that was
currently active at the time scanning stopped remains
Note: While Auto Scan Mode is in effect, none of the other
keyboard keys will function. You must exit Auto Scan Mode
by pressing the [Spacebar] in order to use the console for
anything else.
Operation...Operation... 88