KH2508 / KH2516 User Manual

(Continued from previous page.)






Some characters I enter

The keyboard layout setting for the port does not match

from the keyboard do not

the keyboard you are using. Change the keyboard layout

display correctly.

setting for the port to match the layout of the keyboard


you are using.


To change the keyboard layout setting:



Log in to the OSD from a local console (see page 27)



and click the Administration tab.



Click the icon to switch to the System dialog box (see



page 46).



In the Adapter Cables section, click Attributes.



In the Keyboard Layout field, select the layout of the



keyboard you want to use (see page 52).



Click OK.



If the computer attached to the port is a Sun server or



iMac, or if changing the keyboard layout setting



doesn’t immediately resolve the problem, reboot the



computer. After rebooting, the characters you enter



from the keyboard should display properly.



I can’t use the special keys

The keyboard setting for the port in which you are having

on my Apple (Sun)

the problem does not match the keyboard that you are

keyboard to control Mac


(Sun) computers.

In order to use the special keys on Apple (Sun)


keyboards to control Mac (Sun) computers, the keyboard


setting for the port must match the keyboard you are




See solution above.