Linux Installation

Installing the Driver(s)

1.Insert the installation disk into your CD-ROM drive.

2.Open a command line.

3.Move to the CD-ROM directory and then to the Linux subdirectory.

4.Move to the subdirectory that corresponds to the version of your operating system. (For example, if your operating system is Red Hat 7.3, then move to the Redhat73 subdirectory.)

5.Enter the following commands to copy the files in the subdirectory to a directory on your hard disk:

cp pl2303.c /directory_name

cp Makefile /directory_name/makefile

where directory_name is the name of the directory on your hard disk to which you are copying the files.

Note: You must change the capital “M” in “Makefile” to a lowercase “m” when you copy the file to the new directory.

6.Move to the directory where you copied the files.

7.Enter the following command:

make inst

8.Connect the UC-232A to a USB port on your computer.

Note: The UC-232A will not function properly unless the driver(s) were previously installed.

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