VS0108HA RS-232 Control Tool

Switch Port

The Switch Port page is used to turn the display ports On or Off. On the Switch Port page, the following actions are possible:

ŠClick an Output port to select it. Options are ports 1~8 and * (where * = all output ports).

ŠClick to turn the Display On or Off.

ŠClick Send to send the command.

Switch Port Commands

These actions can also be performed by keying the command into the text box, and clicking Send.

The formula for Switch commands is as follows:

Switch Command + Output Command + Port number [Enter]

1.For example, to switch on output port 02, type the following: sw o02 on [Enter]

2.To switch all output ports off, type the following: sw o* off [Enter]

3.To turn on the local output port, type the following: sw ol1 on [Enter]