VS0108HA RS-232 Control Tool


On the EDID Mode page, the following actions are possible:

ŠClick on Port1 to implement the EDID of the connected display to Port 1, and pass it to the video source.

ŠClick Auto(*) to implement the EDID of all connected displays. The VS0108HA uses the best resolution for all displays (default).

ŠClick Default to implement ATEN’s default EDID.

ŠClick Send to send the command.

Extended Display Identification Data (EDID) is a data format that contains a display's basic information and is used to communicate with the video source/ system. You can set up which EDID mode the VS0108HA uses with the following command:

EDID Command + Control (port1 / auto / default) [Enter]

For example, to use the Port1 EDID setting, type the following:

edid port1 [enter]