H e r j d j l c n d j

l k z

g j k m p j d f n t k z



Ghjxbnfqnt Bycnherwb.6 Gthtl ghbvtytybtv lfyyjuj bpltkbz9 ghjxbnfqnt dct bycnherwbb gj tuj bcgjkmpjdfyb. b nt[ybrt ,tpjgfcyjcnb7

Cj[hfybnt Bycnherwb.6 Bycnherwbb gj bcgjkmpjdfyb. ghb,jhf b nt[ybrt ,tpjgfcyjcnb ljk;ys ,snm cj[hfytys lkz ghbvtytybz d ,eleotv7

Exnbnt Ghtleght;ltybz6 Cj,k.lfqnt dct ghtleght;ltybz jnyjcbntkmyj ghb,jhf b bycnherwbb gj tuj bcgjkmpjdfyb.7

Cktleqnt Bycnherwbzv6 Dct hf,jxbt ht;bvs b bycnherwbb gj ghbvtytyb. ghb,jhf ljk;ys cj,k.lfnmcz7

Xbcnrf6 Jnrk.xfqnt ghb,jh jn bcnjxybrjd =ktrnhjgbnfybz gthtl xbcnrjq7 Yt bcgjkmpeqnt ;blrbt jxbcnbntkb bkb f=hjpjkm7 Lkz xbcnrb bpltkbz ghbvtyzqnt ckturf dkf;ye. nrfym7


Ecnhfytybt ytbcghfdyjcntq6 Lfyysq ghb,jh ljk;ty j,cke;bdfnmcz rdfkbabwbhjdfyysv gthcjyfkjv rjulf6

(A)ghb,jh dtltn ct,z yt j,sxyj bkb pfvtnyj bpvtybkcz pderjdjq =aatrn4

(B)bpltkbt egfkj bkb dyenhtyybt tuj xfcnb gjdht;ltys4

(C)ghb,jh yt hf,jnftn yjhvfkmyj d cjjndtncndbb c ltqcnde.obvb bycnherwbzvb7


Vs c ujhljcnm. ghbdtncndetv Dfc rfr yjdjuj dkfltkmwf lbyfvbrf abhvs athena TECHNOLOGIES®! Gthtljdfz nt[yjkjubz b dscjrjt rfxtcndj ghjbpdjlcndf gjpdjkzn Dfv ljkubt ujls yfckf;lfnmcz ,jktt tcntcndtyysv b njxysv djcghjbpdtltybtv vepsrb7 Cjdtns9 ghtlkfuftvst d lfyyjv herjdjlcndt9 ghtlyfpyfxtys gjvjxm Dfv edtkbxbnm lj vfrcbvfkmyj djpvj;yjuj ghtltkf b cj[hfybnm rfxtcndtyyjt djcghjbpdtltybt bcgjkytybz9 b9 cktljdfntkmyj9 dfit eljdjkmcndbt jn ghjckeibdfybz7 Gj;fkeqcnf9 ds,thbnt dhtvz9 xnj,s ghjxbnfnm dct bycnherwbb9 cjlth;fobtcz d =njv herjdjlcndt9 xnj,s ,snm edthtyysv9 xnj Dfif cnthtj cbcntvf ecnfyjdktyf ljk;ysv j,hfpjv b hf,jnftn yjhvfkmyj7


Vs yfcnjqxbdj cjdtnetv Dfv yt gjllfdfnmcz bcreityb. buhfnm b j,hfofnmcz kturjvscktyyj cj dctvb djpvj;yjcnzvb lbyfvbrf abhvs athena TECHNOLOGIES®9 kb,j =rcgthbvtynbhjdfnm c jgfcysv vtcnjhfcgjkj;tybtv lbyfvbrjd9 lj nt[ gjh gjrf jyb ,elen jrjyxfntkmyj ckjvfys7 Ghjwtcc hfpheitybz lbyfvbrf vj;tn pfyznm ghbvthyj 50-100 xfcjd ytghfdbkmyjuj djcghjbpdtltybz vepsrb7 Vj;yj kturj ckjvfnm ghb,jh9 tckb gjcnfdbnm gktth rjvgfrn lbcrf d ht;bv gjdnjhtybz b d =nj dhtvz ghjbuhsdfnm CD c ibhjrjq lbyfvbxyjq fvgkbneljq rfr ghb yjhvfkmys[ ghjckeibdf.ob[ ehjdyz[7


Abhvf athena TECHNOLOGIES® zdkztncz yjdsv jnltktybtv rjvgfybb Audio Products International Corp., ibhjrj bpdtcnyjq d bylecnhbb rfr “API”7 Rfyflcrfz rjvgfybz API9 jcyjdfyyfz d 1975 ujle9 zdkztncz cjdhtvtyysv ghtlghbznbtv c hfcneobvb bccktljdfntkmcrbvb b ghjbpdjlcndtyysvb djpvj;yjcnzvb7 Abhvf API hfcgjkj;tyf yf gkjoflb165 000 rdflhfnys[ aenjd (,jktt 15 000 rd7v7) d ujhjlt Njhjynj9 Rfyflf7 API —=nj jlyj bp cfvs[ ,jkmib[ ghtlghbznbq gj ghjbpdjlcnde lbyfvbrjd9 rjnjhjt j,tcgtxbdftn cdjtq ghjlerwbtq ,jktt itcnbltcznb cnhfy vbhf7 Nfkfynkbdfz bccktljdfntkmcrfz b ghjbpdjlcndtyyfz rjvfylf bcgjkmpetn ljcnb;tybz gthtljdjuj rjvgm.nthyjuj lbpfqyf9 njxytqitq bpvthbntkmyjq nt[yjkjubb9 xnj cgjcj,cndetn htpekmnfnbdyjcnb gjbcrf yjds[9 kexib[ frrecnbxtcrb[ nt[yjkjubq7 Lfyyfz bccktljdfntkmcrfz hf,jnf zdkztncz jcyjdjq ljkujchjxys[ gthtljds[ gcb[j- frrecnbxtcrb[ bpextybq9 ghjdjlbvs[ d cjlhe;tcndt c rfyflcrjq rjvgfybtq “National Research Council” (NRC), xnj gjpdjkbkj cjplfnm lbyfvbrb9 ljcnbuf.obt dscjrjuj ehjdyz djcghjbpdtltybz d nbgbxys[ ljvfiyb[ eckjdbz[ ghjckeibdfybz7 Dctcnjhjyytt bccktljdfybt rf;ljuj fcgtrnf lbyfvbrf fyfkbpbhjdfkjcm b jwtybdfkjcm gthtl yfxfkjv cnflbb tuj vjltkbhjdfybz b cjplfybz rjywtgwbb9 rfr wtkjcnyjuj lbpfqythcrjuj htitybz7 Lfyysq vtnjl ufhfynbhetn9 xnj cfvst ghtrhfcyst rjvgjytyns b vfnthbfks9 cjdvtcnyj cj ckj;ysv ghjbpdjlcndjv b ghjwtlehjq rjynhjkz rfxtcndf j,tcgtxbdf.n tuj ljkujchjxye.9 yflt;ye. hf,jne b eljdjkmcndbt jn ghjckeibdfybz9 gjlndth;lfz xnj wtyyjcnm lbyfvbrf dj vyjuj hfp dsit tuj htfkmyjq cnjbvjcnb7


Dct lbyfvbrb abhvs athena TECHNOLOGIES® cjplfys nfr9 xnj,s jyb ,skb yfb,jktt =aatrnbdysvb7 Lbyfvbrb AS-06 hfphf,jnfys nfrbv j,hfpjv9 xnj,s ,snm 8 jv7 cjdvtcnbvsvb9 gjpdjkzz djcghjbpdtltybt gjxnb yf k.,jv ecbkbntkt bkb ghbtvybrt ceotcnde.otv yf hsyrt7 <jkmibycndj ecbkbntktq c ehjdytv yfghz;tybz 20-100 dfnn yf rfyfk ,elen =aatrnbdyj dpfvjltqcndjdfnm c lbyfvbrfvb AS-06 abhvs athena


Ghtljcntht;tybt6 Tckb ecbkbntkm bkb ghbtvybr gthtuhe;ty9 nj bcrf;tybt d ltqcndbntkmyjcnb dj vyjuj hfp ,jkmit9 xtv ehjdtym ceotcnde.otuj yfghz;tybz7 Bcrf;tybt gthtuhe;tyyjuj ecbkbntkz yfpsdftncz rkbgbyu (“Clipping”)7 Jyj kturj epyftncz gj yfkbxb. ytzcyjuj9 bcrf;tyyjuj pderf b vj;tn dsdtcnb bp cnhjz k.,jq lbyfvbr7 Htuekbhjdfybt cbks pderf d ,jkmibycndt ecbkbntktq b ghbtvybrjd

kjufhbavbxtcrjuj nbgf9 rjnjhsq jpyfxftn9 xnj gjkyfz vjoyjcnm vj;tn ,snm ljcnbuyenf ghb htuekznjht rjynhjkz pderf9 ecnfyjdktyyjuj yf vbybvfkmyst gjkltktybz7 Htuekbhjdfybt cbks uhjvrjcnb9 dth[yb[ pderjds[ xfcnjn b ,fcjd gjdsiftn vjoyjcnm ds[jlf cdth[ jghtltktyys[ ehjdytq7 D ckexft tckb ujkjcjdfz rfneirf cujhtkf bkb ckjvfyf d htpekmnfnt gjlfxb cdt[vjoyjuj yfghz;tybz bkb rkbgbyuf9 ufhfynbz yf dfib lbyfvbrb yt hfcghjcnhfyztncz7


Cfvsq kexitq e[jl b vfcnthcrfz jnltkrf ,skb jceotcndktys d ghjwtcct cjplfybz rjhgecf lbyfvbrf7 Gthbjlbxtcrb ghjnbhfqnt rjhgec vzurjq9 ce[jq nrfym.9 xnj,s elfkbnm gskm b uhzpyst jngtxfnrb gfkmwtd7 Yt bcgjkmpeqnt ,evf;yst gjkjntywf bkb lheubt ithifdst vfnthbfks9 nfr rfr =nj vj;tn gjdhtlbnm jnltkre rjhgecf7



Jnrk.xbnt dc∑ =ktrnhjgbnfybt jn dfitq felbj3dbltj cbcntvs gthtl yfxfkjv ghjwtlehs bycnfkzwbb7 Ytcj,k.ltybt =njuj ghfdbkf vj;tn ghbdtcnb r djpvj;yjq gjkjvrt dfitq cbcntvs7


Yf pflytq cntyrt lbyfvbrjd AS-06 abhvs athena TECHNOLOGIES® hfcgjkj;tys rhfcysq b xthysq rktvvs cjtlbytybq7 Bcgjkmpez cnfylfhnyst ghjdjlf lkz lbyfvbrjd9 cjtlbybnt lbyfvbrb gjcktljdfntkmyj9 yfxbyfz ghjwtcc c ghbtvybrf7 Cjtlbybnt ghjdjl lbyfvbrf jn gk.cjdjuj nthvbyfkf yf ghbtvybrt (Rhfcysq +) c gk.cjdsv nthvbyfkjv yf lbyfvbrt (Rhfcysq +)7 Cjtlbybnt vbyecjdjq nthvbyfk yf ghbtvybrt (Xthysq -) c vbyecjdsv nthvbyfkjv yf lbyfvbrt (Xthysq -)7 Lkz njuj9 xnj,s cjtlbybnm ghjdjl c lbyfvbrjv yflfdbnt yf cjjndtncnde.obq nthvbyfk b dcnfdmnt ghjdjl d jndthcnbt9 rjnjhjt gjzdbkjcm yf jndtndktybb nthvbyfkf c pjkjnsv gjrhsnbtv7 Jngecnbnt nthvbyfk b dyenhtyyzz egheujcnm ,eltn lth;fnm ghjdjl yf vtcnt7 Gjdnjhbnt ne ;t ghjwtlehe c lheubv nthvbyfkjv7

Gjcktljdfntkmyj gjlrk.xfqnt lbyfvbr pf lbyfvbrjv lj nt[ gjh gjrf dct dfib lbyfvbrb yt ,elen gjlrk.xtys ljk;ysv j,hfpjv7 <elmnt jcnjhj;ys b dybvfntkmys9 xnj,s ghfdbkmyj cjtlbybnm gk.cjdst b vbyecjdst ghjdjlf9 f nfr;t dthyj gjlrk.xbnm lbyfvbrb r cjjndtncnde.obv rfyfkfv7

GHBVTXFYBT6 Tckb ds gj ytdybvfntkmyjcnb gthtgenfkb yfghfdktybt cjtlbytybz (nj tcnm9 r ghbvthe9 rhfcyjuj r xthyjve)9 nj ds pfvtnbnt htprbq ytljcnfnjr ,fcjd d dfitq frrecnbxtcrjq cbcntvt7 Gjlj,yfz =ktrnhjghjdjlrf yfpsdftncz “Ytcjdgfltybt afps”7 Tckb =nj ghjbpjikj9 ghjdthmnt =ktrnhjghjdjlre b gthtcjtlbybnt ghjdjlf nfr9 rfr =nj ytj,[jlbvj7


Xnj,s ecnfyjdbnm lbyfvbr9 yfqlbnt ,tpjgfcyjt vtcnj lkz tuj hfpvtotybz7 Lbyfvbr yt ljk;ty gjldthufnmcz ghzvjve djpltqcndb. yt,kfujghbznys[ afrnjhjd nfrb[ rfr lj;lm9 cbkmysq dtnth bkb ghzvst kexb cjkytxyjuj cdtnf7 Lbyfvbrb ecnjqxbds r djpltqcndb. gjujls9 yj jyb yt cjplfys9 xnj,s gjldthufnmcz lj;l. bkb gjuhe;tyb. gjl djle7 Rhjyintqy lbyfvbrf ytj,[jlbvj ecnfyjdbnm d ,tpjgfcyjv vtcnt7 Cjdtnetv ecnfyjdbnm rhjyintqy yf ghjxyjq cntyt9 cnjqrt bkb rfvtyyjq gjdth[yjcnb7 Vjynf; r fk.vbytdjq j,ibdrt9 yfghbvth9 yt vj;tn j,tcgtxbnm fltrdfnye. ghjxyjcnm b ,tpjgfcyjt elth;bdfybt lbyfvbrf7 Bcgjkmpeqnt cjjndtncnde.obt vtnfkbxtcrbt vfnthbfks9 ytj,[jlbvst lkz ,tpjgfcyjuj elth;bdfybz lbyfvbrjd9 dtc rjnjhs[ ghbvthyj 9 aeynjd (jrjkj 4,5 ru7)7 Rhjyintqy ghbrhtgkztncz r lbyfvbre gjchtlcndjv lde[ ,jkmib[ yfhtpys[ inshtq7 Gthtl ntv9 rfr yfxfnm htuekbhjdfnm eujk hfcgjkj;tybz lbyfvbrf jckf,mnt inshb yf 3-5 j,jhjnjd nfr9 xnj,s pe,xbrb ,skb jnltktys7 Yfghfdmnt lbyfvbr r vtcne ghjckeibdfybz b pfntv herfvb gkjnyj ghbrhenbnt j,f inshz7 Tckb ds yt edthtys gj gjdjle ghjwtlehs ecnfyjdrb9 gj;fkeqcnf9 j,hfnbntcm pf gjvjom. r njhujdjve ghtlcnfdbntk. abhvs athena






Ufhfynbb yf bpltkbt vjuen jnkbxfnmcz d jlyjq cnhfyt jn lheujq cnhfys7 Enjxybnt e Dfituj htubjyfkmyjuj ghtlcnfdbntkz rjvgfybb athena TECHNOLOGIES® j ltnfkz[ eckjdbq ufhfynbb d Dfitq cnhfyt7

GHBVTXFYBT6Gj;fkeqcnf9 cj[hfybnt rfhnjyye. egfrjdre b egfrjdjxyst vfnthbfks lkz bpltkbq abhvs athena TECHNOLOGIES®, xnj,s pfobnbnm tuj d ckexft ytj,[jlbvjcnb jnghfdrb d cthdbc wtynh lkz htvjynf7 Bpltkbt9 rjnjhjt gjkexbkj gjdht;ltybt ghb ljcnfdrt d cthdbc wtynh9 tckb jyj yt ,skj egfrjdfyj d jhbubyfkmye. egfrjdre9 ,eltn jnhtvjynbhjdfyj9 djccnfyjdktyj b ghfdbkmyj egfrjdfyj lkz j,hfnyjq ljcnfdrb9 pf cxtn dkfltkmwf bpltkbz7

athena TECHNOLOGIES, SCT b Create Your Sound zdkz.ncz njhujdsvb vfhrfvb Audio Products International Corp. “Dolby”, “Dolby Pro-Logic”, “Dolby Digital” —njhujdst vfhrb Dolby Laboratories Licensing7 “DTS”—njhujdfz vfhrf Digital Theater Systems Inc.


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Athena Technologies AS-O6 owner manual Bycnherwbz

AS-O6 specifications

Athena Technologies AS-O6 is a cutting-edge platform specifically designed for advanced data acquisition and processing in various industrial applications. It stands out due to its innovative features, robust technology, and adaptability across different sectors, from manufacturing to environmental monitoring.

At the heart of the AS-O6 is a powerful data acquisition system equipped with high-capacity analog-to-digital converters that provide exceptional accuracy and reliability. This allows for precise measurement of physical variables such as temperature, pressure, and humidity, making the AS-O6 ideal for environments where data integrity is critical.

One of the main highlights of the AS-O6 is its modular design, which enables users to customize their systems according to specific requirements. The platform supports various input configurations, making it highly versatile for different sensors and devices. Additionally, the AS-O6 can integrate seamlessly with existing industrial infrastructure, helping organizations enhance their operational efficiency without extensive overhauls.

The AS-O6 utilizes advanced communication protocols, including Ethernet, Modbus, and CAN-bus, ensuring that data can be easily transmitted across networks in real-time. This feature significantly enhances the ability to implement remote monitoring solutions, which are increasingly important in today’s connected world. Users can access data remotely through secure web interfaces, enabling quick decision-making based on real-time insights.

In terms of processing capabilities, the AS-O6 is equipped with a fast microprocessor that runs sophisticated algorithms for data analysis and visualization. This power allows for immediate processing of large datasets, providing users with comprehensive reports and dashboards that make complex data accessible and actionable.

Durability and longevity are also focal points in the design of the Athena Technologies AS-O6. The device is built from industrial-grade materials, ensuring it withstands harsh environmental conditions, such as extreme temperatures and moisture. This resilience not only extends the lifespan of the equipment but also reduces maintenance costs.

Overall, the Athena Technologies AS-O6 is a robust platform that combines precision data acquisition, flexible configuration, and advanced processing capabilities. Its ability to integrate with existing systems and networks makes it a valuable asset for organizations seeking to leverage data for improved operational strategies and decision-making processes.