I-Storm USB ADSL modem
#rpm –i USB-RED-HAT-7.1.i386.rpm
(Redhat 7.2)
#rpm –i USB-RED-HAT-7.2.i386.rpm
(Redhat 8.0)
#rpm –i USB-RED-HAT-8.0.i386.rpm
(Redhat 9.0)
#rpm –i USB-RED-HAT-9.0.i386.rpm
2. Launch the driver
#cd /usr/local/e2
#insmod e2.o
#ifconfig hsb0 up(Note: run this command after the
READY LED blinks)
#dhcpcd hsb0 (Note: run this command after the
READY LED blinks)
3. Uninstall the driver
After your installation, please edit this file
/etc/rc.d/rc.local to append four commands.
cd /usr/local/e2
insmod e2.o
ifconfig hsb0 up
./dhcpcd hsb0
Then PC will get an IP address after reboot from ADSL
USB device automatically.