1 | - | Not used |
4 | - | Not used |
5 | GND | Ground |
6 | - | Not used |
7 | - | Not used |
8 | - | Not used |
9 | - | Not used |
Baud Rate : 9600 bps, Data Bit :8
bits, Parity : None, Stop Bit :1 bit
•Code entry is CASE SENSITIVE.
•Do not insert spaces between letter/ number code entries.
Note1: Feedback for a command repeats the original command. Example, if x1$ is a command, the feedback is the same and if the command is x2$, the feedback would also be x2$.
Note2: If command fails, the feedback should be "Command FAILED”.
| Command | Description |
| Feedback |
| PWON | Power ON |
| PWON |
| PWOFF | Power OFF |
| All# | Reset all input signals to matching output. (Input 1 to Output 1, Input 2 to | All# |
| |
| Output 2, etc…) |
| ||
| |
| x1$ | Switch OFF specificed output channel [1]. If Output channel is 2 the command | x1$ |
| |
| would be x2$ |
| x1AVx2 | Switch specified input to output. If input is 5 and output is 3, then command | x1AVx2 |
| |
| would be x5AVx3 |
| ||
| |
| x1AVx2,x3, | Switch specified input to mu ple outputs. If input is 5 and outputs are 6, 7, 8, | x1AVx2,x3,x4 |
| |
| x4 | then the command would be x5AVx6,x7,x8 |
| |
| Statusx1 | Display input currently routed to specified output. Example Statusx1 is asking | x7AVx1 |
| |
| what input is currently being routed to Output # 1 |
| |
| x1AVx1, |
| Status | Display current rou | ng for all inputs and outputs | x2AVx2, |
| x3AVx4, |
| |||
| |
| x5AVx8, … |
| Save[Y] | Save the current rou | ng to a preset command [Y]. [Y] ranges from 0 to 9 | Save2 |
| |
| Recall[Y] | Recall the preset command [Y]. [Y] ranges from 0 to 9 | Recall2 |
| |
| Clear[Y] | Clear the preset command [Y]. [Y] ranges from 0 to 9 | Clear2 |
| |
| Mreset | Reset device to manufacture default | Mreset |
| |
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