Using the ATAVRAUTO200
2-10 ATAVRAUTO200 User Guide
2.5.2 Programming with AVR ISP Programmer
The AVR ISP pr ogrammer is a compact and easy-to-use In-Syste m Programming tool
for developing applications with ATmega88. Due to its small size, it is also an excellent
tool for field upgrades of existing a pplications. It is powered b y the ATAVRAU TO200
and an additional power supply is thus not required.
The AVR ISP programming interface is integrated in AVR Studio.
To program the device using AVR ISP programmer, connect the AVR ISP to the adapta-
tor ( ATA VRA UT O90 0) and c onn ect t he ada pt ato r t o the co nn ect or of th e
Figure 2-11. Programming from AVR ISP programmer using ATAVRAUTO900.
Note: See AVR Studio® on-line Help for information.
2.5.3 Programming with AVR JTAGICEmkII
The ATmeg a48/88/168 can be prog rammed usin g specific JTAG link: 3-wire debu g-
WIR E in terf ace . To us e th e A VR JTAG ICEm kII wit h an AT AVRA UTO2 00 thr
ATAVRAUTO900 adaptator has to be be used. Then the JTAG probe can be connected
to the ATAVRAUTO200 as shown in the following Figure 2-12.
To use the JTAGICEmkII in ISP mode the 3 jumpers “SCK”, “MISO” and “MOSI” of the
adaptator (ATAVRAUTO900) should be connected.
Figure 2-12. JTAGICE mkII probe connecting through debugWIRE interface
Note: When the debugWIRE Enabl e (DWEN) Fuse is programmed and Lock bits are
unprogrammed, the debugWIR E system within the target device is acti vated.
RE SE T pi n i s c on fi gur ed as co mm uni ca ti on ga tew ay be tw ee n
ATmega48/88/168 and JTAG. JTAGICE mkII must have control over it.
Note: See AVR Studio® on-line Help for information.