ATAVRAUTO200 User Guide 1-1
Section 1IntroductionCongratulations on your purchase of th e ATAVRAUTO200 board. This board includes
all elements necessary for designers to quickly develop code related to LIN communica-
tion node implementing the ATmega88 and for prototyping and testing of new design s.
1.1 Overview
This document describes the ATAVRAU TO200 dedicated to the ATmega88 AVR micro
controlle rs. This board is d esigned to allow an easy eva luation of the produ ct using
demonstration firmware.
To increa se its demon strative capa bilities, thi s stand alo ne board ha s numerous on-
board resou rces (motor r elay, motor F ET, hall senso r inputs, cur rent measuremen ts,
power supply measurement, LIN, push buttons).
Figure 1-1. ATAVRAUTO200