AVR430: MC300 Hardware User Guide
• General-purpose power stage for DC and stepper motors
• Modular system with 2,54mm pin header connector for device boards
• Four half-bridges with independent control of high and low side
• Onboard voltage regulators for device board (5/3,3V) and Hall sensors (5V)
• Hall sensor, back-EMF and center voltage feedback to device board
• Shunt resistor feedback to device board
• Electric specifications:
- Driver circuit: Vin 10-20V
- Motor: Vm 0-40V, Im
• Dimension: 100x100mm
1 Introduction
The MC300 is a general-purpose power stage board able to drive brushless DC,
brushed DC and stepper motors. The board is de signed to be a flexible platform for
developing motor control applications. Power and all signa ls needed for a controller
CPU) are available on the left side of the board, giving a modular system
where boards with different microcontrollers can easily be connected.
Figure 1-1. MC300 Motor control driver board.
Application Note
Rev. 8124C-AVR-10/08