REVIEW John McJunkin
UniPoint® Line
New improvements to a solid and reliable line of microphones.
When it comes to computer software, we have come to ex- pect occasional updates. Version 1 is great, then version 2 comes out with enhancements and new features. But with hardware, this type of update is not automatic. Sometimes a manufacturer will introduce a “Mark II” product, but the wholesale improvement of an entire product line is a rare event.
The proliferation of computers, BlackBerries, cell phones, Bluetooth, and other technology in boardrooms and meeting spaces have given us more RF than ever be- fore.
The second major enhancement is the introduction of interchangeable elements to boost quality and help reject feedback when it’s a problem. There are capsules for om- nidirectional, cardioid, and hypercardioid patterns, and the
new UniLineTM pattern (more on that in a moment).
The third enhancement is UniSteep®, a
The fourth innovation is UniLine, a new
The fi fth and fi nal enhancement is PivotPointTM, a rotat- ing connector on the line’s boundary mics, enabling simpli- fied mic integration. Not only does mic integration take more time, but if a contractor or integrator breaks open the box to move the wiring and make an install aesthetically pleasing, it can severely compromise the shielding.