Audiovox D1812PK manual Contrast Screen Display, Hue Screen Display, Saturation Screen Display

Models: D1812PK

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Contrast Screen Display

To exit ‘Contrast’ Setting, press ENTER again to return the main Menu.

c).Select ‘Hue’ by using the UP/DOWN button, then press ENTER you can adjust the Hue by pressing the LEFT/RIGHT button.

Hue Screen Display

To exit ‘Hue’ Setting, press ENTER again to return the main Menu.

d).Select ‘Saturation’ by using the UP/DOWN button, then press ENTER you can adjust the Saturation by pressing the LEFT/RIGHT button.

Saturation Screen Display

To exit ‘Saturation’ setting, press ENTER again to return to the main Menu.


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Audiovox D1812PK manual Contrast Screen Display, Hue Screen Display, Saturation Screen Display