10.Screen Release – Moves in direction of the arrow to release the drop down screen.
–11.REV ( ) – Allows the user to search in a backwards direction. 12.Eject (
) Button – Ejects Disc.
13.Power Button – Bright red when system is on, dim when off.
14.Source Select (TV, AV1, AUX, DVD).
16.Channel Up ( ) Button – Use this button to increase the channel number to the desired number.
17.Channel Down ( ) Button – Use this button to decrease the channel number to the desired number.
18.Dome Lights – provide additional interior illumination.
19.Drop Down LCD Panel.
20.Auxiliary Audio Right Input.
21.Auxiliary Audio Left Input.
22.Auxiliary Video Input.
23.Side Remote Sensor Eye – Allows the remote control to operate the PROVE8 OSD (On Screen Display), control volume to wired headphone jacks and control the other accessories.
Note: Audiovox recommends the use of the Audiovox HP275 Headphones when using wired headphones.
24.Headphone Jack - Allows the use of wired headphones with a 1/8” plug for listening to video program audio.