User’s Manual
3.5 Record Schedule / Quality Setting The Record Setup menu allows user to set recording quality, recording
schedules, and other recording parameters. To setup the recording quality
and schedules, you have to enter the OSD Setup Menu with correct
Administrator's password. In the Main menu, move the cursor to <Record
Setup> and press ENTER; the following menu is displayed.
Record Setup
1. Record Mode
2. Schedule Setup
3. Preset Config
4. ezRecord Setup
5. Circular Recording
6. Purge Data
The Record Mode is for selecting resolution and recording rate. The relative
record settings, such as preset configuration, will follow the record mode
setting. In normal circumstance, we recommend you to select
<720x240@60PPS>, the default, for this item.
Move the cursor to <Record Mode> and press ENTER, then select a Record
mode using UP / DOWN keys.
NOTE: After changing the Record Mode setting, the warning
message “This will FORMAT ALL HARDDISKS and LOAD THE
FACTORY DEFAULT CONFIG!” will be shown on the screen. Press
ENTER to confirm the selection, then the unit starts to format the
hard disks and load the factory default settings, or press ESC to
We strongly recommend to backup your programmed configuration
before making any changes on Record Mode settings.
NOTE: The total PPS is shared by 16 viewing windows, which
means, even one window hasn’t connected with a camera and
displays no video, that window still wastes pps. But if you select
<ezRecord> for setting the unit, those windows with no cameras
connected to them will not be recorded, in other words, the pps will
not be wasted.