Login Security









Most advanced commands are accessed from the Security menu.

To access the Security menu:

1.Activate the OSD and click the Setup button to display the Setup menu.

2.Click the button marked Security.

NOTE: AES security is always enabled.

NOTE: When security is enabled, only the Admin may access the Security menu.

Enabling Login Security

The AutoView Wireless switch ships with login security disabled by default. Until login security is enabled, all users have Admin access. Once login security has been enabled, there are two levels of access: Admin and user. When login security is enabled, a user must be logged in as Admin to:

Add or change user logins

Change transmitter names

Administer AES keys

NOTE: AES security is always active.

To enable login security:

1.Activate the OSD and select Setup - Security.

2.Check the box marked Enable Login Screen.

NOTE: Once this box is checked, all users will be prompted for a login name and password before they can access the OSD.

To change the Admin password:

1.Activate the OSD and click the Setup button to access the Setup menu.

2.From the Setup menu, click ChgPassword. You will be prompted to enter the old and new passwords. Once entered, click Save to change the password, or press Esc to exit.