Goal Speed Setting
BIT 15~11 10 9876543210
Value 0 Turn Direction Speed Value
Turn Direction = 0 : CCW Direction Turn, Load Direction = 1: CW Direction Turn
Range Each data has a valid minimum and maximum values. Write instructions made outside
of these valid ranges will return an error. The following table summarizes the data range
for each register. 16 bit data registers are indicated with two bytes (L) and (H). Both
bytes need to be written at the same time as one instruction packet.
Address Writing Item Length
(bytes) Min Max
3(0X03) ID 1 0 253(0xfd)
4(0X04) Baud Rate 1 0 254(0xfe)
5(0X05) Return Delay Time 1 0 254(0xfe)
6(0X06) CW Angle Limit 2 0 1023(0x3ff)
8(0X08) CCW Angle Limit 2 0 1023(0x3ff)
11(0X0B) the Highest Limit Temperature 1 0 150(0x96)
12(0X0C) the Lowest Limit Voltage 1 50(0x32) 250(0xfa)
13(0X0D) the Highest Limit Voltage 1 50(0x32) 250(0xfa)
14(0X0E) Max Torque 2 0 1023( 0x3ff)
16(0X10) Status Return Level 1 0 2
17(0X11) Alarm LED 1 0 127(0x7f)
18(0X12) Alarm Shutdown 1 0 127(0x7f)
19(0X13) (Reserved) 1 0 1
24(0X18) Torque Enable 1 0 1
25(0X19) LED 1 0 1
26(0X1A) CW Compliance Margin 1 0 254(0xfe)
27(0X1B) CCW Compliance Margin 1 0 254(0xfe)
28(0X1C) CW Compliance Slope 1 1 254(0xfe)
29(0X1D) CCW Compliance Slope 1 1 254(0xfe)
30(0X1E) Goal Position 2 0 1023( 0x3ff)
32(0X20) Moving Speed 2 0 1023(0x3ff)
34(0X22) Torque Limit 2 0 1023(0x3ff)
44(0X2C) Registered Instruction 1 0 1
47(0X2F) Lock 1 1 1
48(0X30) Punch 2 0 1023 (0x3ff)
[Control Table Data Range and Length for Writing]