execution timing is different. When the Instruction Packet is received the values are
stored in the Buffer and the Write instruction is under a standby status. At this time, the
Registered Instruction register (Address 0x2C) is set to 1. After the Action Instruction
Packet is received, the registered Write instruction is finally executed.
Length N+3 (N is the number of data to be written)
Instruction 0X04
Parameter1 Starting address of the location where the data is to be written
Parameter2 1st data to be written
Parameter3 2nd data to be written
Parameter N+1 Nth data to be written
Function Triggers the action registered by the REG_WRITE instruction
Length 0X02
Instruction 0X05
Parameter NONE
The ACTION instruction is useful when multiple Dynamixel actuators need to move
simultaneously. When controlling multiple Dynamixel actuator units, slight time delays
can occur between the 1st and last units to receive an instruction. The Dynamixel
actuator handles this problem by using the ACTION instruction.
Broadcasting The Broadcast ID (0XFE) is used when sending ACTION instructions to more than two
Dynamixel actuators. Note that no packets are returned by this operation.
Function Does not command any operations. Used for requesting a status packet or to check the
existence of a Dynamixel actuator with a specific ID.
Length 0X02
Instruction 0X01
Parameter NONE