11. Image files menu
Image 11-15
Image 11-16
Image 11-17
If the AutoImage function does not succeed in finding a file and no file is loaded (load list is empty), which
means that the source is not displayed, then use the copy function: Copy a standard file (.std) which is not
too different of the source to display, then edit this file to get the best image.
11.6 Delete
How to delete a file ?
1. Press MENU to activate the Tool bar
2. Press →to select the Image files item
3.Press ↓to Pull down the Image files menu
4. Use ↑or ↓to select delete (image 11-18)
5. Press ENTER
A dialog box is displayed (image 11-19)
6. Use ↑or ↓to select the desired file
7. Press ENTER
The selected file is deleted and is removed from the list
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