the level of that side of the cross fader. This way it is possible to punch in a piece of music, typically a certain drum track or lyric, into the playing piece of music. Traditionally this is done by rapidly pushing the fader up from minus infinity to 0 or +6 dB or moving a cross fader from one side to the middle to give a stuttering or ‘gated’ effect. These methods are still valid, but if you are looking for instantaneous transforming check out our ergonomic alternative - a pair of big PUNCH buttons , operating on channels 2 and 3. We are sure you will grow to love their speed and ease of operation.
+The big PUNCH buttons on the DX100 are designed to get a quick control. At this point it’s worth pointing out that all the smaller switches on your DX100 are latching. This means they stay down until you hit them again. PUNCH buttons are
ϑTry running a rhythm track through channel 1 (cross fader fully to the left). Now use the chan- nel 2 PUNCH button to manually chop in a sustained signal like orchestral music, ambient sounds, noise, whatever.
5.3 Equalizer
Master EQ comprises three control knobs which enable cut and boost of TREBLE , MID
BASS frequencies respectively (see below for specs.) EQ can sweeten or effect the mix, with the fading out and in of frequency bands being very popular.
Control | EQ | Frequency | Gain | OFF position | |
| |
Treble | Shelving | 10 kHz | +/- 12 dB | Centre | |
| |
Mid | Peaking | 700 Hz | +/- 8 dB | Centre | |
| |
Bass | Shelving | 50 Hz | +/- 12 dB | Centre | |
Tab. 5.1: EQ section of your DX100
ϑThe EQ can have a great influence. It can enhance or ruin your sound. The EQ is particularly useful if you use both sides of the centre position.
5.4 Outputs
Stereo outputs include MAIN and TAPE controlled by the rotary control MAIN OUT
bargraph meters unless PFL is engaged.
(see chapter 7 CONNECTIONS). Level to these outputs is , top right on the top panel. MAIN OUT level is displayed on the
+Watch the output meters! Remember - distortion is not volume, and any distortion introduced before the power amplifiers and speakers will worsen your sound and cause amps and speak- ers to clip sooner.
MAIN would normally feed the main PA system (or