13XENYX XL1600/XL2400/XL3200 User Manual
5.1.2Channel fader, pan control, mute control, etc.PANThe PAN control determines the position of the channel signal in the stereo mix as well as the subgroup to which the channel signal is routed.
MUTEThe MUTE switch mutes the channel. This means that the channel signal has been removed from the main mix and subgroups. At the same time the FX, monitor and aux paths of the respective channel are muted as well. The corresponding MUTE LED indicates that the channel has been muted.
SOLOUse the solo function to listen in on a channel. Press the channel's SOLO switch to hear the signal on your headphones. Simultaneously, the monitor meter 1/2 switches to the solo signal, allowing you to level the signal correctly (see chapter X). The signal to be listened in on is tapped either before (PFL, mono) or behind (AFL, stereo) the channel fader and the pan control (depending on the state of the PFL/AFL switch. The corresponding LED lights up when the solo function
is activated.
CLIPThe CLIP LED lights up as soon as the channel's level is too high. In this case, reduce the channel's input amplification with the TRIM control.
SIGThe SIG LED lights up when a channel's signal is higher than
The channel fader adjusts the level of the channel signal as part of the main mix (or submix).
The routing switch routes the signal to the respective subgroup or the main mix or both. The XENYX features 4 subgroups. The PAN control determines the group to which the signal is routed (fully left: Sub 1 or 3, fully right: Sub 2 or 4).
5.2 Stereo channels
+48 V
This control LED lights up when the phantom power is activated. The switch is located on the rear panel of the unit.
MIC TRIMThe MIC TRIM control adjusts amplification of the microphone input. The amplification ranges between 0 and +60 dB.
◊ Be sure to set this control fully
80 Hz
Press the 80 Hz switch to activate the
The LINE TRIM control adjusts the amplification of the LINE input, ranging between
The stereo channels provide
The HIGH control of the EQ section adjusts the
The HIGH MID control adjusts the mid frequency range. This is a peak filter which boosts and cuts the frequencies centered at 3 kHz.
The LOW MID control adjusts the mid frequency range. This is a peak filter which boosts and cuts the frequencies centered at 300 Hz.
The LOW control adjusts the
The EQ
The aux and FX paths of the stereo channels work in principle the same way as the mono channels. Since the aux buses are mono, the stereo signal needs to be converted to a mono signal before being routed to these buses.
5.2.3 Channel fader, pan control, mute switch, etc.BAL(ANCE)The BAL(ANCE) control has the same function as the PAN control on the mono channels. It determines the relative volume of the left and right input signals before they are routed to the stereo main mix bus (or to two subgroups).
Use the MUTE switch to mute the channel signal. The MUTE LED is illuminated when the channel is muted
Press the SOLO switch to hear the signal on your headphones and simultaneously see it on the monitor display 1/2). The corresponding LED lights up when the solo function is activated.