O L Y M P U S I M A G I N G A M E R I C A I N C . ( 8 8 8 ) 5 5 3 - 4 4 4 8

h t t p : / / s u p p o r t . o l y m p u s a m e r i c a . c o m

When my images are displayed on the E-3’s LCD screen, there are blinking black areas in the image. How do I get rid of them?

What you are seeing is a part of the histogram feature. In the lower right corner of the LCD screen, you will see a little box that says either SHADOW or HILIGHT. The blinking black regions identify areas in the image that have no detail due to overexposure (HILIGHT) or underexposure (SHADOW).

The blinking display doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with the camera. Like film cameras, digicams have a limited brightness range within which they can capture images. If the camera metering is weighted toward the highlights, there will be a lack of shadow detail. If the camera metering is weighted toward the shadows, there will be a lack of highlight detail. In bright sunshine, a picture may have areas lacking both highlight and shadow detail. On a grey, cloudy day, there may be detail throughout the image. The purpose of the black blinking areas is to give the photographer feedback about the exposures. If necessary, the photographer can apply options such as AE Bracketing or Exposure Compensation to reshoot the image.

The SHADOW and HILIGHT views are among seven options that can be selected by pressing the [INFO] button while displaying images in Playback mode. Pressing [INFO] repeatedly cycles through the views, each of which displays different image information.

When I try to use the AE Bracketing function, why do I only get one frame instead of three?

The camera’s Drive mode is set to Single Frame shooting. Configured this way, which is the default setting, the shutter button must be pressed for each bracketed frame. If the Drive mode is set to a Sequential Shooting option, then pressing and holding down the shutter button will cause the camera to shoot all three bracketed frames in one burst. In (Sequential Shooting H) drive mode, images are captured at a rate of five per

second for as long as the shutter button is held down. In (Sequential Shooting L) drive mode, images are captured at the rate (between 1 and 4 per second) registered in

the function, located in the menu. To change the Drive mode, do the following:

1.Press the [] (Remote control/Self-Timer/Sequential shooting) button, located on the top of the camera. It is the middle of the three buttons to the left of the hot shoe when the camera is held so that the LCD faces the photographer. (This is the same button used to switch shooting modes.)

2.Using the sub dial to move the cursor, select either or .

3.Press the [i] button to activate the new Drive mode.

On the E-3’s LCD screen, I see the message “Internal camera temperature is too high. Please wait for cooling before camera use.” Then the camera shuts off. What causes this message to appear?

As a safety measure, the E-3 issues this message and shuts itself off whenever its internal temperature climbs too high. This may happen after frequent or continuous use of Live View or a shooting mode that captures many images in a short time, such as the Sequential Shooting drive mode. In these situations, the image sensor may not get a chance to cool off in between shots. The heat of the sensor raises the camera’s internal temperature. If it gets high enough, the camera must turn itself off. Once the camera has cooled for a few minutes, you will be able to resume shooting.

©2008 Olympus Imaging America Inc.

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Last updated on February 28, 2008