KV Push Owner’s Manual



Periodic maintenance should be performed at the following intervals:

Maintenance Operation

Every Use (daily)



Inspect for loose, worn or damaged parts.




Clean Debris bag




Check bag strap tightness




Engine (See Engine Manual)




Check for excessive vibration




Every 5 hrs (daily)



Every 25 Hours


1.Wait for engine to cool and disconnect spark plug.

2.Drain fuel and oil from the engine.

3.Remove bag, quick release, and upper handle. Do not kink, stretch, or break control cables, control housings, or end fittings while removing handles.

4.Remove housing top plate by removing bolts around outside of housing.

5.Leaving engine fastened to top plate, turn it upside down so the impeller is on top.

6.Remove impeller bolt and lock washer and washer.

7.Lift impeller upward. If impeller slides freely, proceed to (step 10).

8.Place two crowbars between impeller and housing on opposite sides. Pry impeller away from engine until it loosens. Using a penetrating oil can help loosen a stuck impeller.

9.If the impeller does not loosen, use two pry bars and pull the impeller near the hub away from the engine,

this should loosen it and allow you to remove the impeller from shaft. Using a penetrating oil can help loosen a stuck impeller.

10.Using a new impeller bolt and lockwasher and washer, reinstall new impeller in reverse order.

11.Tighten impeller bolt. Torque impeller bolt to 33-38 Ft. Lbs. (44-51 N.m) (see item 30 on page 15).

12.Reinstall engine onto housing in reverse order of removal.

13.Gas and oil.

14.Reinstall spark plug wire.



P ro b le m





P o s s ib le C a u s e




S o lu tio n




A b n o rm a l vib ra tio n .



L o o s e o r o u t

o f b a la n c e im p e lle r o r

· C h e c k

im p e lle r a n d re p la c e if re q u ire d .




lo o s e e n g in e




C h e c k e n g in e





W ill n o t

va c u u m o r h a s

p o o r

· d irt y d e b ris b a g . H o s e k it c a p m is s in g .

· C le a n d e b ris

b a g . S h a k e

b a g c le a n o r

va c u u m

p e rfo rm a n c e


·C lo g g e d

n o z z le o r e x h a u s t . E x c e s s ive

w a s h . C h e c k

fo r h o s e k it c a p . U n c lo g




q u a n tity

o f d e b ris .


n o z z le o r e x h a u s t . A llo w a ir to fe e d w ith





Im p ro p e r n o z z le

h e ig h t

d e b ris







E n g in e

w ill n o t s ta rt .



S to p

s w itc h

o ff. Th ro ttle in o ff p o s itio n .

· C h e c k

s to p

s w itc h e s , th ro ttle ,

c h o k e




E n g in e

n o t in

fu ll c h o k e p o s itio n . O u t o f

p o s itio n

a n d g a s o lin e . C o n n e c t

s p a rk




g a s o lin e . B a d

o r o ld g a s o lin e .

p lu g w ire . C le a n o r re p la c e

a ir filte r. O r




S p a rk p lu g w ire

d is c o n n e c te d . D irty a ir

c o n ta c t

a q u a lifie d s e rvic e

p e rs o n .




c le a n e r












E n g in e

is lo c k e d , w ill n o t


D e b ris lo c k e d


im p e lle r. E n g in e

· S e e p a g e

5 . C o n ta c t a e n g in e

s e rvic e

p u ll o ve r.


p ro b le m .





d e a le r fo r e n g in e p ro b le m s




N o z z le s c ra p e s g ro u n d in








A d ju s t n o z z le h e ig h t (S e e N o z z le

N o z z le

h e ig h t

o u t

o f a d ju s tm e n t

h e ig h t fin e

a d ju s tm e n t fo r h a rd

s u rfa c e s

lo w e s t h e ig h t s e ttin g .










o n p a g e 5





















To o m u c h d u s t c o m in g

fro m

· V a c u u m in g ve ry

d ry , b rittle o r s m a ll

· S w it c h


fe lt b a g (s e e p a g e



b a g .



d e b ris






a c c e s s o rie s )





Part No 891203


Form No FF060911D

Page 7
Image 7
Billy Goat KV600FB, KV650HFB owner manual Periodic Maintenance

KV600FB, KV650HFB specifications

The Billy Goat KV650HFB and KV600FB are innovative lawn vacuum models designed for homeowners and landscape professionals seeking efficiency and power in lawn care. These robust machines are built to tackle leaves, debris, and grass clippings with minimal effort, ensuring a clean and well-maintained outdoor space.

One of the standout features of the KV650HFB is its powerful Honda GXV160 engine, which produces ample power for any yard cleanup task. With a 187cc engine, it offers a perfect combination of torque and reliability, adept at handling both small and large jobs. The KV600FB, on the other hand, features a 6.5 HP engine that promises durability and performance suited for residential use.

Both models are equipped with a large capacity debris bag, allowing users to collect significant amounts of leaves and debris without frequent stops. The KV650HFB boasts a generous 203-liter debris bag, while the KV600FB has a slightly smaller capacity, making them suitable for various sizes of jobs. The bags are easy to remove and empty, minimizing downtime and maximizing efficiency.

Perhaps one of the most appreciated characteristics of these lawn vacuums is their superior vacuum technology. The proprietary design of the impeller enhances suction power, making it capable of lifting difficult materials, from damp leaves to garden waste. This ensures a thorough clean-up, particularly during autumn when leaf accumulation can be especially heavy.

The models are designed for maneuverability and ease of use. With large wheels and a lightweight construction, users can navigate various terrains with little effort. The adjustable nozzle height allows the vacuum to adapt to different surfaces, ensuring effective performance whether on grass, gravel, or paved pathways.

Billy Goat has also taken user comfort into consideration with the incorporation of ergonomic handles, making it easier to control the machine over extended periods. The intuitive controls are within reach, ensuring that even inexperienced users can quickly grasp the operation of the vacuum.

In terms of durability, both the KV650HFB and KV600FB are constructed from high-quality materials designed to withstand the rigors of outdoor use. Their robust design not only promotes longevity but also translates to lower maintenance costs over time.

In conclusion, the Billy Goat KV650HFB and KV600FB models stand out in the lawn vacuum market for their powerful engines, efficient suction capabilities, and user-friendly designs. They provide an excellent solution for maintaining clean outdoor spaces year-round, making them valuable assets for homeowners and landscapers alike.