Chapter 5: Web Management
AP Client
•Connect to Existing AP: Input the SSID of home
•Encryption: You can select “Disable” or WEP/WPA/WPA2
•Key: If Encryption is enabled, you have to set key value according to the encryption mode you selected.
•Press the “Apply” button, and follow the reboot instructions to make it work.
Gatekeeper is designed to ensure the enterprise network security within the WHPS box.
•“All Block” can block Guest Users (through wireless) from accessing all office networks (LANs).
•“All Allow” can pass Guest Users (through wireless) to access all office networks.
•“Internet Only” can block Guest Users (through wireless) from office networks (LANs) but still reserve internet connection capability.
Apply: Press the “Apply” button to select this mode.
Cancel: Press the “Cancel” button to abort action.
5.4.4 OSD Setup
Click on the “OSD Setup” button to change the OSD standby image or set splash screen information.
Change Logo Image
•Logo Image: File name of OSD, default setting is “default.”
•Image File Upload: Upload the customized OSD standby image. (JPG file, maximum file size is 510K. Recommended image
resolution: 1024 x 768.)
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