•Set whether Bluetooth® connections with
your handheld are encrypted.
Set handheld Bluetooth® identificationYou can set how your handheld is represented on
devices with which it is paired.
In the Bluetooth options, perform one of the
following actions:
•In the Device Name field, type the name of
your handheld.
•In the Discoverable field, set whether your
handheld can be found by other Bluetooth
wireless technology-enabled devices.
Use Bluetooth® wireless technology during a call1. Verify that your handheld Bluetooth radio is
turned on and your handheld is paired with
the device you want to use.
2. During a call, click the trackwheel. Click
Activate <Bluetooth device>.
If your handheld can not connect with the paired
device, a dialog box notifies you that the
connection cannot be made and the call does not
use the paired device.
Related topic
•About Bluetooth® pairings