2: Address book
40 User Guide
Search for a contact in a remote address bookYou can search for contact information in your company’s Global
Address List or Notes Address Book.
1. Open the address book application. The Find screen appears.
2. Type a contact name.
3. Click the trackwheel. A menu appears.
4. Click Lookup. The Find screen displays the search status and
indicates when the search is complete.
5. Click the trackwheel. A menu appears.
6. Click View Lookup. The results of your search appear.
7. Click a contact. A menu appears.
8. Click one of the following menu items:
Prerequisite: To search for contacts in a remote address book, the following
requirements must be met:
•Your handheld must be enabled for Remote Address Lookup on a
BlackBerry Enterprise Server version 3.5 or later for Microsoft Exchange or a
BlackBerry Enterprise Server version 2.2 or later for Lotus Domino.
Menu item Description
Lookup enables you to specify or edit search criteria
Resolve adds the selected contact to your address book temporarily
Add adds the selected contact to your address book
Add All adds all the contacts to your address book
Delete deletes the selected contact from the search results
Lookup deletes the search results
View displays the selected contact’s information
Get More
Results requests more search results from the BlackBerry Enterprise
Server (the server sends a maximum of 20 results at one time)