3: Phone
48 User Guide
3. Click Call <contact name or phone number>. The phone number
is dialed.
4. To end the call, press and hold the Escape button.
Call a contact in your address book1. Open the address book. The Find screen appears.
2. Type the first letters of a contact. Contacts that start with these
letters appear.
3. Click a contact. A menu appears.
4. Click Call <contact name>. The phone number is dialed.
5. To end the call, press and hold the Escape button.
Call a contact using a linkIn messages and on web pages, phone numbers appear as links.
1. Click a phone number link. A menu appears.
2. Click Call. The phone number is dialed.
3. To end the call, press and hold the Escape button.
Call an emergency phone numberYou can call an emergency phone number even when your
keyboard or handheld is locked or the SIM card is not inserted. If
you call an emergency phone number when the radio is off, the
radio turns on automatically.
1. Select one of the following options:
•Open the phone. The Phone screen appears.
Tip: To remove a contact or a phone number from the Phone screen, click the
contact or the phone number. A menu appears. Click Delete.
Warning: If your handheld is locked, you can only make calls to emergency
numbers (for example, 911 or 112).