Set which SMSC hosts your device accepts browser push messages from. To accept browser push messages from a specific SMSC host,
type the phone number for the SMSC host.
Process IP:
Set whether your device accepts browser push messages that web applications send through a WAP gateway.
IP Hosts:
Set which WAP gateways your device accepts browser push messages from. To accept browser push messages from a specific IP host,
type the IP address for the WAP gateway.
Browser shortcuts
Depending on the typing input language that you are using, some shortcuts might not be available.
To insert a period (.) in the web address field, press the Space key.
To stop loading a web page, press the Escape key.
To close the browser, press and hold the Escape key.
On a web page
To switch between Column view and Page view, press 4 .
To zoom in to a web page, press 3 .
To zoom out from a web page, press 9 .
To refresh a web page, press 1 .
To move to a specific web page, press 5 .
To add a bookmark, press 6 .
To follow a link, highlight or pause on the link. Press the Enter key.
To find text on a web page, press 7 .
Move around a web page
To move to the top of a web page, press 2 .
To move down in the screen, press the Space key.
To move to the bottom of a web page, press 8 .
Troubleshooting the browser

No browser is available on my device

Depending on your wireless service plan, this feature might not be supported.
Verify that your BlackBerry® device is connected to the wireless network.
User Guide Browser