To change a letter in a word that you are typing, highlight the letter. Click the alternate letter that appears on the screen.
To change a letter in a word after you finish typing the word, click the word. Highlight the letter. Click the alternate letter that appears
on the screen.
For example, to type run, you would press the R key once, the U key once, and so on until run appears in the list. You would then highlight
run and press the Enter key.

Type text using multi-tap

Do any of the following:
To type the first letter on a key, press the letter key once.
To type the second letter on a key, press the letter key twice.
To type the third letter on a key, press the letter key three times.
To type the fourth letter on a key, press the letter key four times.
For example, to type run, you would press the R key three times, the U key twice, and the N key twice.

Find more information about typing in other languages

You can learn to type in other languages such as Chinese and Thai by reading the Typing Guides that are available online. Visit and search for the Typing Guide in your language.
Typing options

Stop displaying contacts in the list that appears when you type

By default, your BlackBerry® device recognizes contacts when you type them.
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.
2. Click Language and Text Input.
3. Click Show Text Input Options.
4. Clear the Use Contacts as Data Source check box.
5. Press the Menu key.
6. Click Save.

Set the cursor speed

1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.
2. Click Screen/Keyboard.
3. Set the Key Rate field.
4. Press the Menu key.
5. Click Save.
User Guide Typing