
How to: Maps

Pan a map

1. On the Home screen, click the Maps icon.
2. If your smartphone is in zoom mode, press the key > Pan Mode.
3. On the screen, swipe in any direction.

Zoom in to or out from a map

1. On the Home screen, click the Maps icon.
2. If your smartphone is in pan mode, press the key > Zoom Mode.
3. Do one of the following:
To zoom in, on the screen, slide your fingers together.
To zoom to a point on a map, press the key > Zoom to Point.
To zoom out, on the screen, slide your fingers apart.

View a location on a map

1. On the Home screen, click the Maps icon.
2. Press the key > Find a Location.
To search for a point of interest such as a business or landmark, in the Find a store, café, etc. field, type the information
for the point of interest. Highlight the point of interest.
To view a new location, in the Find an address field, type an address. Highlight the location.
To view a location for a contact, in the Find a store, café, etc. field, type the contact name. Highlight the contact
To view a favorite location, in the Favorites section, highlight the location.
3. Press the key > View on Map.
If you are viewing a location other than your current location, to get directions to this location from your current location,
press the key > Navigate to Here. Your BlackBerry smartphone must have an internal GPS receiver or be paired with a
Bluetooth enabled GPS receiver to perform this task.

View an address on a map using a link

When your BlackBerry smartphone recognizes an address in certain applications, such as instant messaging applications or the
MemoPad, your smartphone underlines the address.
1. Highlight an underlined address.
User Guide Maps